How to contact us

There are many ways to contact us. You may write to us by letter or by e-mail, use the telephone (Chinese, English, French, German and Dutch spoken) or fax you message. You are also very welcome to see us in person!

Our mailing address is: Library of the Western Belvedere , Fuzhou University, Fujian Province, 35002 P.R. China.

If you write our address in Chinese, here it is:

Our e-mail addresses are: and
Our telephone number is: +86 591 83702783,our fax number: +86 591 83702769

For visitors: Fuzhou International Airport (FOC) has daily connections with Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and other Chinese airports. Three times a week there are flights from Singapore. The campus of Fuzhou University is situated in the Western part of the city, next to the famous Xichansi monastery.

The opening times of the library are Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM.
If you want to contact the Yimen Foundation, you may use the above addresses, or else our that of our headquarters in The Netherlands: Yimen Foundation, c/o Gosse Offringa, P.O. Box 16105, 2301 GC Leiden, The Netherlands.


Library of the Western Belvedere.Fuzhou.fujian.350002 P.R.China
Telephone:(0591)87892731 and Fox:(0591)83702769
Copyright © XiGuan.Org