Why a Western
Library in China?
Globalization of commerce and technology has
been accelerating during the last decade, and is
now recognized as an irreversible trend.
Together with the globalization of trade and
information comes the globalization of culture.
This development, perhaps in an unexpected way,
has caused imbalances in the distribution and
accessibility to the cultural legacy of mankind.
In spite of the nowadays diminished importance
of the humanities in the civilization of the
Western world, we see that many of the Western
countries and regions still increase their
already very important cultural resources. On
the basis of a rich legacy from former times,
European and North American countries continue
nowadays to spend vast sums of money for the
building of great public libraries , museums,
art schools and public facilities for cultural
advancement. More and more, these enterprises
tend to be universal in nature, that is, not
only the culture of the own country is taken
into account, but all cultures of the world.
In short, people in Europe and North America
today have abundant access to the sources of
human civilization, with all the benefits this
entails for their intellectual development.
Indeed, history shows that whenever new forms of
culture have emerged, these always were the
result of the interaction of different cultural
traditions, the consequence of interplay between
different civilizations obtained through the
combination, the mixing and blending, the
hybridization even, of elements from various
origins. In this way, the humanities and their
vast documentary resources function as what one
of us has termed a "gene bank of culture.
In our reading room |
We do not have to delve deeply into the
present situation in China to see that this
essential condition for cultural development is
not yet fully available there. China was for
many centuries the greatest civilization in the
world, and produced magnificent cultural
treasures. However, many precious works of art
and science have been taken out of China, and
are now in museums and libraries in the West,
while very little of comparable value has come
back. One can admire the greatest Chinese
painters in museums in the Europe and North
America, one can find the most precious ancient
Chinese books in their libraries, whereas China
has yet to acquire any great painting, sculpture
or set of books of exceptional value from the
West. A survey of the existing libraries in
China shows that many of the written sources of
Western civilization can not yet be found in
their original versions.
In contrast, the situation in the West is very
different. Nowadays any interested person in the
Netherlands, France, England or Canada, whether
belonging to an academic community or not, can
have almost immediate access to a wealth of
Chinese sources, either in Chinese or in
translation. France, Germany, Great Britain,
Canada and the United States all can be proud of
the fact that their great universities and
institutions of learning have large and very
complete Chinese libraries. In China today, in
the great centers of Beijing and Shanghai or,
for that matter, in the sprawling city of Fuzhou
(formerly written Foochow, the capital of the
maritime province of Fujian) only few people
have similar access to the written sources of
Western traditions.
The present situation is the result of a
combination of historical contingencies, and
these belong to the past. It should therefore
not be irremediable, and might be easily
changed. There exists in China a great tradition
of scholarly learning that developed long before
the West critical methods of text analysis,
diachronic linguistics, critical historiography,
ethnographical observation, etc. Moreover, there
has always been in China a keen curiosity for
other cultures. History teaches us that China
has adopted and absorbed many foreign
traditions. Today, all signs point to the fact
that the time has come where the great
intellectual tradition of China is ready to
engage itself on the literary and scholarly
works of the West. From this intellectual
exchange, we may expect important contributions,
and some, especially in the area of the arts,
are already been made today. In this context,
the example of Japan may also be useful. For
many years now, the study of Western literature
and philosophy are greatly developed in Japan,
and Japanese scholarship in Western literature,
philosophy and history rank among the best of
the world. Japanese culture and science have
benefited immensely from this. Why not China?
For all these reasons it seems essential that an
adequate Western library be set up in China, in
order for this essential need be met. The aim of
the Library of the Western Belvedere is just
that: to create a home base of resources of
global civilization and make it available,
through all means at our disposal, including
electronic communication networks, to the
Chinese public.
The main holdings of the library are related to
the liberal arts or the humanities. Areas of
priority are literature, history, art and
archaeology, philosophy, religion, law and
general reference works. Modern scientific
disciplines of the social sciences such as
psychology, economics, anthropology, political
science and sociology are also collected as far
as their founding texts and important studies
are concerned. A main sector is devoted to
Western studies of the Far East and of China in
particular. Finally, it has seemed important to
add a small collection of Western art works.
Given our budgetary restraints, we have chosen
to collect graphic art (drawings. Etchings,
lithographs, etc.) of ancient and modern Western
artists and put them on display in our
exhibition room.
The library holds books without a preference for
any given Western language. The classical texts
such as the Greek philosophers and the Latin
treatises are collected in their original
versions, as well as in major translations in
English, French and German. Fundamental studies
on these texts are also collected. The main
works of medieval literature are all held in
their original versions as well as in
translations, so that they remain accessible. As
much as possible, collection of books is
systematic, using bibliographies and checklists
as guidelines (see below, Acquisition policy).
A question that is frequently heard is: "Given
that the knowledge of Western languages is as
yet still not very widespread in China, what is
the use of a library with books in Latin and
Greek, German, French, Italian, Spanish,
Russian, etcetera? The answer is simple. As long
as there are no books in these languages
available in China, there is no incentive to
learn the skills to read them. Once interesting
and important sources become accessible in a
large way, in a country as vast as China, we are
confident people will come forward who are
willing to invest time and effort to acquire
these skills.